Table 3

Delegates on Table 3 at the opening plenary are invited to record their thoughts here. 


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These are the questions that table three would like to pursue during the conference:


1) What is staff - student collaboration actually all about? (What CAN it be all about? Or SHOULD?)

2) Whether using IBL, or traditional (transmissive) approaches, which is more important, learning content, or learning skills?

3) Is learning through enquiry a universally 'good' thing?

4) What does learning through enquiry look like for 21st century students (and staff!)?

5) How does enquiry differ across the disciplines? opportunities for cross disciplinary enquiry?

6) Is there any way to overcome the limiting structures of curriculum? How can we encourage staff and students to take 'safe' risks - and reward them for being creative (rather than compliant).

7) How can we support students in their IBL activities?


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