
LTEA Conference description

Page history last edited by Joseph Tame 16 years, 7 months ago

LTEA 2008: Inquiry in a Networked World

Wednesday 25th – Friday 27th June 2008

University of Sheffield, CILASS (Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences)


Go to https://www.shef.ac.uk/cilass/ltea2008.html for full details.  The Conference Handbook, Summary Programme, and Full Abstracts are available as pdf downloads from that page.


Hosted by the University of Sheffield, the third LTEA Conference aims to provide an exciting forum for creative and critical exploration of inquiry-based learning, focusing on developments in practice and theory, and on the role of the inquiry approach in higher education in the UK and beyond.


We have chosen `inquiry in a networked world´ as the over-arching theme of this year´s conference. We want to explore the purposes of inquiry-based learning, and what it means to `do inquiry´ and to design and facilitate inquiry, in a world of rich and complex network connections. Our interest is in inquiry through networking and community-building in the widest sense – including, but not limited to, the many possibilities for learning through interactions via the internet and through the creation, sharing and use of digital resources.


The conference will bring together diverse perspectives, allow for exchange of practice and research, and enable participants to make new connections with each other across disciplines, professional roles and institutions.


The conference is based in the exciting setting of the University of Sheffield´s flagship new space for learning and teaching, the Information Commons, and the CILASS `inquiry collaboratories´ within it. This setting offers a rich variety of social and personal learning spaces designed specifically to stimulate and support innovative modes of learning and teaching in a networked environment. Conference participants will be able to gain direct experience of using new spaces and technologies during conference activities.



Photographs taken at the conference are available on the CILASS Flickr account.

Where permission has been given, slides will be uploaded to the CILASS Slideshare account.

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