
About LTEA2008 in Second Life

Page history last edited by Sheila Webber 16 years, 6 months ago

This is the start page for the material emerging from the LTEA2008 conference track in Second Life, the virtual world. It took place from 8am to 12.30 UK time on the Second Life island, Infolit iSchool. on 26th June 2008. On this page, the main one, is the programme with some photos embedded. The chatlogs (transcripts) of sessions have been put online, see links in this page and the specific pages for individual sessions.


There were about 20 delegates based in a mixture of countries: Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, USA, UK, so an interesting mixture of time zones. There were faculty, librarians, rfesearch students and other educators. Experience in Second Life varied from "one week" to years of experience. The conference was organised and led by Sheila Webber (Sheila Yoshikawa in SL), currently a CILASS academic fellow.


There is a page with more infortmation about Session 1 (LTEA2008 in Second Life: What does IBL mean to us) and of part of session 3: LTEA in SL: Research process model .


One of the delegates, Peter Miller, has added a useful page to this wiki Enabling tools and tips for Second Life


There is a photoset on Flickr from Sheila here http://www.flickr.com/photos/23396182@N00/sets/72157605812898055/ and from Kathy here http://www.flickr.com/photos/caledonian-academy/sets/72157605878370083/


There are blog entries from delegates at http://atasteofsecondlife.blogspot.com/2008/07/inquiry-in-networked-world-ltea2008-in.html and http://tidalblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/learning-design.html and http://educatorscoop.org/blog/?p=52 plus some on the Sheila Yoshikawa blog at http://adventuresofyoshikawa.blogspot.com/



Session 1: Inquiry into IBL

00.00 - 01.20  SL time

There is also a separate page on this session at LTEA2008 in Second Life: What does IBL mean to us

IBL discussion



LTEA2800 in SL started by mirroring the exercise that was carried out as the opening plenary in the RL conference: participants shared their ideas about IBL. There were two groups: one chatted about the differences between IBL and PBL (especially in the healthcare context: the chatlog of that conversation is here http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=307) and one created a 3D model: when the two groups merged at the end of this session this was an object to stimulate discussion and add to.  There is a chatlog including the converstaion of the main group plus the merged discussion at http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=305


Session 2: IBL in SL


The session consisted of an interaction between participants in the RL conference and participants in SL. Delegates at the SL track of LTEA2008  discussed their experiences and perceptions of SL and IBL. RL delegates participated via their own avatars or via facilitators and observation of the data screen. As well as discussing IBL, the Sheffield delegates had some questions about feasibility etc. of working with students in SL. This session was led in Sheffield by Lyn Parker.The chatlog (transcript) for this session is at http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=308

Session 3: IBL in RL and SL: explorations and examples.


There were a nunber of activities:

- Peter Miller demonstrated some tools e.g. the spidergram tool that enables you to do giant 3D spidergrams



- There was a poster session including posters from the Sheffield LTEA2008 and an additional poster. 


- Sheila Webber used a work-in-progress model of the research process to talk through some of ideas concerning the use of IBL in a first year undergraduate programme . There is more information on this page http://networked-inquiry.pbwiki.com/LTEA+in+SL:+Research+process+model

Exploring the research steps model Exploring the research steps model


- Lyn Parker led a Discussion on Information Literacy and Inquiry Based Learning. The chatlog for the discussion is at http://sleeds.org/chatlog/?c=304

Discussion on information literacy and IBL


Session 4: IBL: answers and questions


 A brief wrap-up discussion.

LTEA conference house

Comments (2)

Peter Miller said

at 9:53 am on Jun 27, 2008

Nice to meet everyone in-world. I've certainly been to RL conferences for a longer time where I've talked with fewer people on pro rata time basis. I'd be interested to holding a follow-up for any newbies who want to chat on education stuff, especially tools. Blog of my thoughts (and some other stuff, including a homage to Sheila): http://tidalblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/learning-design.html. I managed to stick this on the frontpage too. If anyone knows how to remove comments, feel free!

ktr said

at 12:04 pm on Jun 29, 2008

Hi All,
Yes, it was good to meet everyone. A very interesting and stimulating morning, as much for the discussion on IBL as the experience, and the company. Like Peter I find at these online events that I also talk to people more than in RL - even though the Chat was frenetic at times. I didn't manage to blog - was too busy keeping up :-) I think one of the main things that came out of this for me, that I'll be following up pretty soon (after the summer holidays) was triggered by Sheila's comment about the 'natural cues' in SL, that were being overrided by the animations we were all using when sitting in the initial spot. When we moved to Sakura house and used seats that allowed us to 'see' who was typing that made for a very different experience. Intriguing...

And thanks to Peter for the tools demo. That was very useful.

I've uploaded all the snapshots I took to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/caledonian-academy/sets/72157605878370083/
Unedited! :-) Please feel free to comment, add who you are, takes copies of, link to, etc. etc..

Best wishes, Kathy (aka Goldfinch)

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